Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Arduino Manometer Control Project

This project was completed for a Control Engineering class taken this summer. The goal was the control the water level in a U-Tube Manometer to a specified height by the instructor. This was achieved by using an Arduino microcontroller in conjunction with a hydro-static pressure liquid level sensor in series with a 1% Ohm resistor.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Portfolio Project

Here are some pictures of prior projects that I didn't document well but still would like to show off.

First off is my motorized bicycle project. I started off with a 1953 Schwinn cruiser frame. I welded on posts for actual mountain bike brakes and installed a 66cc 2-stroke engine to the center of the frame.

Next is a project I completed back in 2007. I disassembled the material from my front seats, made new patterns, sewed and reupholstered them for a 2-tone suede effect.


Next is a school project which was for a Machine Design class. The object of this project was to 'Reverse Engineer' a household appliance. Our group was given a hand mixer. I was put in charge of measuring the original device and creating models for them. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

"Antique" Radio Ipod Stereo

This is the first rough rendering. Modeled after the 1930's Philco Model 38-620

FINAL RENDERINGS! Now its just time to build it!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Poplar/Copper Wine Rack

Two coats of stain and one clear. Some sanding and another coat of clear and she is done

All Finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!